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From Israel’s Negev to the Rest of the World – High Quality is the key to Success

From Israel’s Negev to the Rest of the World High Quality is the key to Success Genesis Seeds penetrates the American and European markets Interview with Dr. Isaac Nir, Founder and Owner We often recognize a leading brand name, but usually lack information about the company it represents. In our previous article we heard from Dr. Isaac Nir, founder of Genesis Seeds and inventor of the well-known brand name, “Basil Prospera®,” about the company’s formation and their decision to go Organic back then, sometime in the 90s. Another decision made early on by Nir and his partners, was to focus

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Organic Cultivation – From Dream to Reality

Organic Cultivation From Dream to Reality Interview with Dr. Isaac Nir, Founder and Owner  Sales in the hobby and semi-professional markets, and particularly in the home gardening sector, have skyrocketed this “Covid-19 year” showing a 30% increase of consumption. Gardening is actually an escape for people who are forced to remain close to home for an extended time. Gardening combines many advantages – it provides occupation, constitutes therapy and finally rewards with edible produce. In an era of growing vegetables and herbs for private consumption, the organic aspect is increasingly important since it involves food that we consume, which we

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All the way to Prospera ®

All the way to Prospera®​ The brand of downy mildew resistant basils​ Interview with Dr. Yariv Ben-Naim Sweet basil is one of the most widely used herbs in the kitchens world-wide. Israel, as a major exporter of herbs to Europe, is a large grower of Basil. In 2012 Israel’s basil sector was hit, for the first time, with a new leaf fungus called Downy-Mildew (Peronospora). The damage was so heavy that it was defined as an epidemic. This disease had spread through Europe and the U.S. several years earlier, and was found on basil plants in Israeli greenhouses. The disease

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